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JTC Journal

The Official Newspaper of the Joliet Central Steelmen

JTC Journal

JTC Journal


The staff will strive for complete coverage. Editors retain the right to choose which stories will be published in the space available and priority of the stories. News stories, features, sports, editorials, and columns written by the newspaper staff are published. Students, staff, and community members may participate in writing through letters to the editors. Appropriate letters may be submitted to [email protected] for consideration.

The staff will strive to objectively cover both sides of any controversial issue or news story. On the editorial page, staff members may state their opinions, including endorsement of candidates for elected office. Signed editorials are the opinions of the writers. Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of a majority of the staff members. No editorials necessarily reflect the opinions of the administration. Bylines will appear on all columns, opinion pieces (except staff editorials), news, features, and sports stories. Photo credits will appear in the cutline of the photo or in a box.

Reviews may be published. Errors of the fact will be corrected as soon as possible after they are discovered. Corrections will be clearly labeled and displayed. Advertisements for products which are not legally avaliable to teenagers will not be published. Advertisements which appear in page layout are preferred; the staff retains the right to refuse to insert flyers in the paper.

Letters to the editors should be no more than 300 words in length. Although letters must be signed in ink, under certain circumstances, the writer’s name may be withheld. Letters must be submitted to room 275 or our e-mail at [email protected]. The editors have the final authority to determine which and how many letters will be published. Priority will be given to letters that deal with current campus events and news.

The JTCJournal is introducing an Advice Column. Advice will be given anonymously and politely to letters submitted to the JTCJournal email previously mentioned. Editors retain the right to select which questions are answered. We appreciate your feedback!