A new show has aired for the first time last Tuesday, March 12th starring three teenage girls and their parents who are preachers. The Preachers’ Daughters not only shows the life of a teenager and the choices and problems that comes with every temptation, but also includes how their parents’ positions position them as well. One daughter in particular is Joliet Central’s very own, Taylor Coleman. They all open up with how strict their households can be and how the watchful eyes of the church may sometimes make them want to break free.
The first episode contained confessions, secrets and some seriously strict, naive parents. Two of the daughters are eighteen, and though Taylor just wants to be free of her parents, Olivia Perry has a bit of a different situation. Olivia had a baby and must keep her promise to her parents to stay pure until marriage and not get into drugs anymore. Olivia is not the only Perry that has caused trouble; her older sister also has problems with drugs and confesses to her parents, making it hard when her father is a pastor. The third daughter featured in the series seems like the goody two shoes of them all. Kolby Koloff is sixteen and doesn’t just have one parent to keep a very strict religious hold on her, but two. Her parents may be divorced but they make sure their sweet little angel knows the differences between right and wrong. In the episode she asks her father if she can finally date and luckily for her he says yes, but her mom has another idea and makes her go to her sex seminar.
Though these girls’ lives are a bit over the top with different difficulties, we can all agree they make the same mistakes and ask the same questions as most teenagers do. If anything they have somewhat of a motivation knowing who may be watching and judging them to make the right decisions, but also that inescapable chain that’s keeping them from being themselves.