The first episode of SpongeBob SquarePants premiered May 17, 1999. The show follows a yellow sponge and his friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. It has been Nickelodeon’s highest-rated show and since then, the series has been nominated sixty-six times with twenty-nine wins including two Emmy’s. It has become a show for people of all ages, including adults. The series has also spawned a video game which released in 2004 and another this coming February. It has also brought the box-office success movie, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, grossing over $140 million worldwide which has led to the sequel; . The new sequel follows SpongeBob and his friends as they reach land and search for the missing Krabby Patty secret formula and save Bikini Bottom. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water hits theaters February 6, 2015.
With a decline in ratings since the first movie, the new movie will possibly boost viewership to the show. Ten years later with a sequel, this will give the show a chance to redeem itself. People who haven’t watched the show just might give it a chance after seeing the movie and people who stopped watching might give it a second chance. Since the first movie dropped in 2004, viewers have criticized the show for not being funny anymore and losing its wit, perhaps due to creator of the show, Stephen Hillenburg, leaving. The new movie might bring back some of that satirical humor and give familiar views of today’s society. It may bring a short term surge in popularity due to not having the limitation of a movie in regard to content and time restrictions, the movie will appeal to more people of different ages. Either way, the movie will generate millions of dollars in ticket sales and merchandise.