Airport Traffic

Laritza Perez

With the holiday season coming up, many families and friends plan on taking a break from school or work to visit family from across the world. Airports are one of the most comfortable and effective ways to get from one place to another that isn’t a car or bus. As many people choose to travel by plane, this results in massive crowds at airports. An increase in passengers causes the traffic control system to start having more issues including delays and high demands on uncontrollable factors such as weather, and staffing issues. To ensure air traffic control and passenger safety, high travel demand is met with higher expectations from passengers. More rules and stricter staff have increased over the years which has resulted in upset passengers. Some changes involve customer service, a prominent issue at airports with little staff, causing traffic congestion and long lines. Baggage is one of the most significant airport flaws, losing or misplacing them can cause great damage to the luggage itself and cause upset customers for misplacement, damages, and loss of baggage. Wait time is a traveler’s biggest frustration. Having popular destinations and big airports in large cities requires a lot of patience with other passengers and tourists traveling around. Planning ahead of time is important for traveling, and having a backup plan if a delay or occurrence happens. For people who are also traveling to destinations and the same way of transportation, it is important to be organized and follow the rules for the best travel experience possible.