‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ is a romance/drama series that started back in 2022. It is a book series of three novels that was turned into a series. It consists of a main character named Isabelle (Belly) Conklin. It is a love triangle between Jeremiah Fisher and Conrad Fisher, Both Fisher brothers realize that they have a crush on Belly. In the first season, Belly is crazy in love with Conrad, and Conrad does not see Belly the same way she sees him. Later in the season, Conrad discovers he is in love with Belly. Belly and Conrad start to have a romantic bond but Jeremiah experiences negative emotions because even if he shows he is okay, he isn’t; he’s hurt deep down.
While everyone is fighting for their love, Susannah, the Fisher boys’ mother, suffers from cancer, and her best friend Laurel, Belly’s mother, is helping her fight through it. In the second season, we see that Belly starts to feel confused about her feelings for the Fisher brothers. We also see that they introduced us to two new characters, Aunt Julia and Skye. Julia is Susannah’s step-sister, which makes her aunt of Conrad and Jeremiah, and Skye is their cousin. Many people have mixed opinions on Skye, but the biggest one is that people hate her. TSITP Season II is reviewed at 4.5 stars. Many people like it and like the conflict going on, but many people hate the new conflict introduced, along with lots of people wishing that they hadn’t introduced the two new characters. The majority of the people enjoyed the love that happened in season II between Jeremiah and Belly. The last episode of the second season was a cliffhanger, but it was renewed for a third season in the summer of 2024.