The long-awaited Five Nights At Freddy’s movie premiered on October 27, 2023. The film was originally announced in 2015, with the delay due to constant changes in production, signed contracts, and directors. Originally, the film was to be produced under Warner Bros, directed by Chris Columbus, famous for his work in the Harry Potter franchise but was later signed under film company Blumhouse Productions, known for movies such as Insidious and Happy Death Day, with director Emma Tamni being recruited for the movie. Muppets creator Jim Henson was put in charge of designing the notorious machines, answering the favored fan question, “Who made the animatronics?” The FNAF movie received a PG-13 rating, with the director receiving lots of hate for it, but she later came out to address the backlash stating, “We were taking the PG-13 approach for this because there’s such a younger audience for FNAF, and we didn’t want to exclude them.” Josh Hutcherson, commonly known for his portrayal of Peeta Millark from The Hunger Games, stars as Mike Schmidt, the protagonist, with co-star Matthew Lillard, commonly known for Shaggy from Scooby Doo, as antagonist William Afton, and Elizabeth Lail, commonly known for Beck from You, as main side-character Vanessa. Five Nights at Freddy’s follows Mike Schmidt acquiring a new job as a security guard at an abandoned Pizza Place, which he finds isn’t all that he believed it to be, with multiple secrets being unlocked throughout his night shifts. The movie includes a magnitude of cameos, ranging from CoryxKenshin to MatPat. Overall the FNAF movie was a success, and the fanbase has awaited it for the longest time. The film is currently rated number 15 at the box office.
Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie Review
April 2, 2024