Greek Mythology
November 8, 2017
Everything has a beginning, may it be legends, myths, or religion. In Christianity, it all started with Adam and Eve in the garden of Edan, or in the legend of King Arthur, it started with Arthur and the invasion of the Saxon. The same applies in Greek mythology, but it is believed to have started with Zeus destroying Cronus and freeing the other Gods from his stomach. However, this is not true. Greek mythology started with the concept of “The Creation.” The Creation is explained in a poem called “Theogony” by Hesiod as a time where it all started in chaos, not in a sense of disorder. In other words, it started in darkness, a gaping space of nothingness. The only immortals that were existent at this time where Gaia (Earth), Chaos (Darkness), and Eros (Sexual Love). In Hesiod’s poem, he explains these as not being human or Gods, but just solid, immortal forms in which the Gods can create their home. As the Earth was starting to form, the three beings created “children”. Chaos created Erebus (the darkness of the underworld) and Nyx (Night). Gaia created Uranus (Sky) and Pontus (Sea). These creations then created their own “children” and started a new generation of beings including Thanatos (Death), Hemera (Day), and Moirai (Fate). This thread of generation continued until something else was created. Different from the others, these were known as the Titans. Titans were powerful creatures that sought out destruction and doom. The first titans were created by Gaia and Uranus, the oldest being Theia and the youngest, and most well know, Cronus. Uranus thought the Titans would rise up against the immortals and ruin his rule, so he shoved them into the darkest and most torturous parts of Earth, never to face the light. Gaia was outraged with Uranus’s actions and decided that in order for the Titans to be free, Uranus would have to die. She proposed her plan to the Titans, but none of them would do it, except for Cronus. Cronus did as he was told to do; he killed Uranus by stabbing him in the chest with a spear made by Gaia to kill immortals. When Cronus finished Uranus, he was titled King of the Titans. Cronus set all the titans free, and they left the darkest parts of earth and began building their new empire. This is where the myth continues into the wider known part, where Zeus comes and destroys Cronus and frees the other gods. Greek mythology has a complex way of telling their beginning, but it’s a beginning none the less, filled with love and loss, torture and betrayal. Everything has a beginning, may it be myth, legend, or religion.