Day of the Dead
Mar Garcia, Global Press Journal
Caption here (Mar Garcia, GPJ Mexico)
November 6, 2018
There are a lot of holidays that the human population come across. Though, some holidays are made just for one culture. These holidays are normally made because of the history of the culture. This culture is Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead, sometimes called Dia de los Muertos, is a Mexican holiday celebration throughout Mexico, the Central and South regions, and by many other Mexicans everywhere else. This holiday lasts Oct 31 – Nov 2. Though in America, Mexicans tend to celebrate the holiday on November 2nd. This holiday is a prayer remembrance of friends and family members who have passed away. Day of the Dead is a Spanish tradition that including festivals, parades, and gatherings of families at cemeteries. Ritual dates back 3,000 years and is still evolving. It is a Christian religion. During these festivals and such, there is food. Day of the Dead bread, called Pan de Muerto, is bread that is prepared and eaten during the Day of the Dead season. In this case, the holiday is celebrating the dead. In many other holidays, they celebrate happiness, thankfulness, forgiveness, Christ, people who has help the world evolve, and many more reasons. Holidays, like this one, are important because they help us remember how the world we live in got to where it is today. Without these reasons of celebration, the world probably wouldn’t be the world we have today.