Hybrid System
March 8, 2021
After one whole year of being on e-learning at home Joliet Central and Joliet West high schools have decided it’s finally time for students to go back to school. It will not be completely back to normal though it will be back in a hybrid system, so that means that some days will be in person and some days will continue to be online. Many students have mixed feelings about this system as they don’t think its worth it to go back if it’s not all completely in person. They also feel like it is not yet safe to go back to school. With most of the students and staff not yet having the vaccine. I agree with them because I would not want to risk myself getting sick just to go to school one day of the week. Joliet Central students will be going back for the first time since last year this Monday, March 8th. Students will need to fill out a certification survey. This survey will ask them safety questions like their temperature or if they have felt sick or been around anyone with Covid-19. This is one of the safety precautions the school has decided to take in order to ensure student and staff safety. Mask wearing will also be mandatory throughout the whole day. Classes will be completely different with a small limited amount of students per classroom. Gym locker rooms will be closed so students will need to dress in the appropriate clothing for their gym classes. It is crazy how much things have changed in just a year and how different schools will have to operate now.