On November 5th, 2023, at 2:00 a.m., the time jumped back one hour, which gave us an extra hour of precious sleep, thanks to Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Time occurs twice a year, once during spring, when clocks are moved one hour ahead, and once during the winter, when clocks are moved one hour behind. In 1784, Benjamin Franklin had originally invented DST to save money on candles, but was not adopted until World War 1, so that resources could be better utilized and not wasted. DST has gone through a few changes, mainly with the start and end dates. In 1986, a law was passed by Congress stating that the start date would be moved up to the first Sunday in April, but in 2007, the start date was moved down to the second Sunday in March.
Even though Daylight Saving Time occurs twice a year, it still has its pros and cons. Its pros would be, that it promotes safety, longer daylight hours lessens crime rates, it positively impacts the economy, in terms of retail/businesses, because more daylight hours means more sales, and it can get more people to go outside. Its cons would be, that with 1 hour less of sleep, it can raise the risk of developing health problems, with an extra hour of sleep, it lowers productivity, and the time spent to adjust clocks is rather pricey.