Joliet Central had an exemplary Valentines Day spirit week for their steelmen!
Steelmen wanted to show their pride for both Joliet Central and Valentine’s Day as it is a big holiday for students, the dates being February 10th-14th 2025. Student council wanted to make sure they chose spirit days students would participate in and that’s what they did! More steelmen participated in this spirit week than any other spirit week. Most steelmen participated in this event to join the fun of dressing up for school or joined in to show their school spirit. Monday students wrote letters for the ones they care about to show their appreciation towards them, Tuesday steelmen wore their flags on their shoulders and wore shirts of their culture, Thursday steelmen wore the type of clothes the people they are attracted to wear known as their “type” or “hear me out”, Friday people dressed as if they were to go on a date such as wearing dresses or suits. Steelmen showed their ways they enjoyed the Valentine’s Day spirit week by participating in their own unique styles of dressing up. This spirit week helped students get more involved in school and more comfortable with dressing how they would like in school. Students have been dressing up a lot more after the spirit week now that they feel more comfortable being this far into the school year. Steelman showed their pride in dressing up for this year’s Valentine’s Day spirit week in many styles such as examples given.