Joliet Central’s annual Ivy Night award ceremony was held on May 1, 2013. This event is held to honor seniors who have shown exceptional qualities throughout their high school careers. After a speech given by Principal John Randich, beaming with pride from the accomplishments of this group of Steelmen, seniors Sara Arbuthnot, Elliot Cobb, Taylor Coleman, and Shawn Roberts beautifully sang the national anthem. Following the national anthem was Aracely Torres, who recited her heartfelt poem she wrote about graduation and her fellow classmates. The poem was also translated and recited into Spanish for the bilingual parents in the crowd. Afterwards, Chance Paluga began his speech about the achievements and future endeavors of the senior class, and even brought some members of the crowd to tears with his sincere and powerful words. In that even, 194 seniors received awards recognizing their achievement in nine different categories, and a grand total of 58,800 dollars were given out in scholarships. This evening truly proved Joliet Central’s commitment to excellence. Congratulations to the graduating class of 2013.