
Anna Kulak

Growing up in history classes we read about different people who go through times that are so life-changing that we are required to learn about it to fully understand the history of the world. I remember wondering if I would ever end up in a history book like that, or live through something so significant that students would be reading about it hundreds of years later. Well, here we are. It’s hard for someone like me, who has yet to be personally affected by Covid-19, to wrap my head all the way around the situation at hand. This is a terrifying experience for everybody in the world right now, so terrifying that sometimes it doesn’t seem real. We all are experiencing major loss in different ways, some that we won’t be able to recover from. Seniors are losing their last high school and college memories, adults are losing jobs that they need to survive, families are losing loved ones, and most importantly and devastatingly, people are losing their lives. For me, the hardest part has been adjusting to life without all of the things and the people that make me happy, and essentially who I am. It’s imperative to take precautions right now to not only keep yourself and your family safe, but everyone around you as well. My heart hurts so deeply for everybody affected by Covid-19. I am grateful for my health and my family’s health, and to have a school environment so amazing that makes it so hard to be away from. We are in this together Steelmen! Stay safe.