SHIELD Testing for Central Athletes
November 3, 2021
More than 1,200 schools across Illinois have signed up to use the SHIELD Illinois COVID-19 saliva test for the start of the 2021-2022 academic year. Joliet Central High School happens to be one of those schools enrolled in this new program. The calling for an adequate COVID-19 testing program was significantly important for the safety of students and staff at the densely populated school. Covid-19 outbreaks in schools have become a norm across the United States, especially for the state of Illinois. To participate in the testing, one can complete the opt-in form at Students are automatically signed up to participate in shield testing if they’re involved in Athletics, Music or Drama. Roughly 600 students test weekly. Students have to test one day each week during normal protocol. The goal of SHIELD testing is to keep our students as safe as possible and minimize interruption to the regular school day, athletic season and student activities. As our schools continue to preserve and enforce the safety of students and staff through innovative testing programs like SHIELD Testing, it is important to note that parents and students should also make the appropriate decisions to care for the safety of others at our school. In order to combat Covid-19 in a vigorous and impactful way, we must work cohesively and make good decisions if we want to diminish the constant fear of contracting Covid-19.