Steelmen Showcase

December 20, 2021
The Steelmen Academy Showcase is an event where eighth graders, soon to be freshmen, get to know more about Joliet Central High School. “The showcase is simply an 8th grade step up night. It’s to provide an opportunity to all junior high schools. It gives our 8th graders an opportunity to see what high school has to offer for next year,” assistant principal Mr.Locke explains. Many clubs and sports set up tables and prepare information for the incoming freshmen. This is a way for clubs to collect new members for the next year, and for new students to see if there’s anything of their interest. Upon entering the building, students can sense spirit within the school. Everywhere, there were high-schoolers laughing, dancing, singing, and ultimately having a good time. The Steel Tones could be heard singing holiday songs in the Student Center, and the orchestra had a mini concert by the Steelmen statue. The environment was overwhelmingly friendly, and truly welcoming. “To walk in the main entrance to a place like this, and the first thing they see is a bunch of students who like being here, there is no better way to start off the night than to be greeted by our Steelmen,” says Mr.Villaflor. Students and parents walked around, admiring each club and activity presented. All the families looked interested, and the student council was able to give away over 500 Steelmen t-shirts. Overall there were about 400+ junior high students and families that attended and walked around the school. Families, eighth graders, highschool students, and all staff members had an amazing time. It was such a success that Mr. Locke hints that they may have one in the springtime, so that those who did not get a chance to come this time have another chance to visit!