Spirit Week
October 31, 2022
Spirit week is something a school does either for fun or just something for students to enjoy and for memories. There could be a lot of different things you could participate in. For example, some schools I have gone to had slide day, pajama day, hat day, bringing anything but a backpack, 90’s days, etc. A very interesting day they had is to bring anything but a backpack day. Seeing people participate in it is very entertaining. I have seen people bring a canoe, microwave, car parts and a wheelchair. It is also an easy thing to do to engage with your school if you are not in any sports or clubs. Also, usually when you participate in the event your teachers either give you extra credit, raffle tickets, or your school dollars whatever your school’s prize system is. When schools do spirit week most of the time it is for a special event that is coming up soon. I also think it is a good opportunity to express yourself or show your humor. For example, if you come to school to bring anything but a backpack for a day with a microwave it shows that you are a funny creative person because me personally, I am not carrying a big microwave around school, especially going up the stairs with it. Participating in any of those things shows you supporting your school by doing something fun and easy like that. So next time your school has a spirit week participate in it.