As we start the month of December getting closer and closer to winter break all students must take finals. Finals are exams that cover all of the units/lessons that were taught in the class. Students are required to take a final exam for each class they are enrolled in whether it’s a written test, project, or online test. Freshmans have a total of 7 final exams to take and Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors have 6. Final exams will take place on Wednesday, December 20th, Thursday, December 21st, and Friday, December 22nd. All students will have one hour and 15 minutes to complete their exams. The bus schedule will be the same on Wednesday, December 20th.
On Wednesday, December 20th students will be on a regular schedule with adjusted times due to students assigned to taking their period 2 final exam. On Thursday, December 21st students will be assigned period 4, 5, 6,and 7 exams. Students who have those periods as lunch will either go to the regular class they are assigned to or attend school later. There will also be makeup time for people who may have missed their exams from 1:40-3:15 to finish exams that day. For the final day of taking exams Friday, December 22nd students are assigned their period 1, 3 ,and 8 final exam. Upperclassmen who don’t have a first period will attend the scheduled time for their third period final. There is also a makeup time after school for students to attend from 12:00-3:15. Once students have completed their final exams all grades will be in by 3:15 which marks the beginning of winter break!