Boys Cross Country
November 3, 2021
Cross country is not only about speed, but also endurances within long distances of running which the Central team does not fail to demonstrate. The team was able to keep consistent personal runs and achieve beating personal runs by minutes, even seconds. So far, the team has faced their hardest course at Delwood park. The course consisted of wooden park bridges, steep hills, gravel hills, and tilted areas that truly challenged the team’s running abilities. Delwood park really bonded the team as they shared each other’s tactics on how they should counter the hills they faced, which ended up shaping the team to become smarter runners. The coach continues to offer advice and tactics to improve the runner’s abilities as they keep furthering into the season to guarantee they will never repeat the same mistakes they did at their previous meets. Everyday after school you can see the cross country team around Joliet Central High School, running downtown Joliet and even running as far as Joliet West High School. The Joliet Central cross country team has grown so much since the beginning of their seasons. With them all getting faster and making their own personal progress. With hard work and personal discipline, the Joliet Central cross country team is improving every day.