Blue and Gold Game

November 19, 2021
The Blue and Gold game, a yearly scrimmage where all girl’s and boy’s basketball play against their own teams, the court being split in half. This is for them to practice and prepare for the real games coming up. The ‘assembly’ lasted three hours, with each game being 20 minutes long. First up were the freshmen boys playing against each other on one side of the court. Boys game ended 25-14. When asked about how they did, Freshman player Tommy Jemilo responded with, “We still need a lot to work on, but the team did really well, we just need to work on running our offense better, but it was our first game.” On the other side were the Freshmen girls. Their score was 12-0. Most girls were so ready, while others were extremely nervous. The manager of the girls’ Freshman team, Ivon Elizalde tells her thoughts about the scrimmage saying, “I feel like they did great for their first ‘game’ getting used to playing together and learning skills for our upcoming season.” The girls did amazing and although they were on different teams they still cheered each other up! Next up were the Sophomores, they all had amazing passes, and played as a team. It was noticeable that both boys and girls have been working hard to get where they are at. The girls’ game ended 20-02, while the boys were 25-14. Now the curtain goes and the Varsity girls are ready to play. “We’ve worked really hard these past few weeks, and I think we really showed that on the court.” Says Senior player Lillian Luangsomkham, and she was not wrong at all. There were some pretty cool passes done during their time. Like Lillian’s fast-break pass to Karyssa for a layup, and Cheeky’s euro step under the basketball layup. “We were all really excited to play and we tried to put our all into that game even if it was just a scrimmage. It’s important to have fun and have positive energy when it comes to game-like situations.” Lillian continues. Their game was a close 24-20. During half-time the poms performed their amazing dance, Cheerleaders did what they do best, and sports were announced. Afterwards the varsity boys were up, and they were all pumped up. Joshua Dean, a senior who has been playing for 3 years says, “I feel good, we had a lost season last year, it was like 30 games.” The crowd was loud, and people could tell they have been practicing with their close win, and multiple dunks. They had the crowd screaming and cheering, a few seconds left on the clock and player #32 hit a game winner, making the final score 47-46. All players and teams feel extremely confident about this year and believe that they can win all season. Lillian Luangsomkham ends with, “ It’s only the beginning of the season, but something I can promise anyone is that we’re gonna be great!”