Girls Wrestling
December 20, 2021
Joliet Central High School encompasses a division of select opportunities for any Steelmen, regardless of gender, to compete in its remarkable wrestling team. The team is split into levels consisting of JV1, JV2, Varsity. Additionally, Coach Short has done an excellent job at preparing the Steelmen Ladies for their upcoming duals and matches, as well at providing a safe environment for girls to feel welcomed to join in on this family that is the wrestling team. With a marvelous commencement, on November 24th, Girls Wrestling fought for and achieved a dual team victory over Morton of 39-37. Amazingly, a few days later, attained 2nd place as a team in the Normal Community Tournament! Way to go to these wonderful ladies! Further expanding the narrowed view of the sport that excludes and stereotypes women with the incapability to compete. Steelmen Girls Wrestling has a bright future ahead of themselves based on the path they have been going through so far.