The Steelettes, known as “The Dance team” from Joliet Central, perform a poms routine every home football game during their halftime, and perform competitive dance during half times of home basketball games. Many have stated that seeing the Dance team perform amazes them, they always know how to make the crowd scream and get that excitement in them. But why is the dance team great? How do they get the crowd excited? The dance team has always had a genuine impact on Joliet Central, in Coach Tiffany Grant’s words “The Steelettes make a big impact by promoting and upholding school spirit, enthusiasm, and pride”. School spirit is something that the Steelettes thrive for, without school spirit, there’s no high school fun! The Steelette Coach also commented on the team’s goals, setting both team and individual milestones. On practice days it is usually the captain who runs practice with the other fellow dancers, Ms. Grant steps in when needed, giving the dancers full creativity to each one of her dancers. She loves to support one another giving them all the confidence they need, and that is a great way to coach. Whatever problem the dance team has had, they always resolved– never in disappointment– just as Coach Grant taught them. Being the head coach of any sport in general can be hard work, that’s why it is a good skill to have organization, social, and mental health expertise. “Being the head coach is hard work.” Ms.Grant states. There is a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes, and especially a lot of planning even off the dance floor, but watching her dancers improve and continue to grow makes her feel much better. “To help the dancers stay motivated I continue to point out their strengths and what is done well. I tell them often that they are doing a great job. We keep a positive atmosphere and environment”. Now we know what makes the Steelettes an amazing group!
Joliet Central Steelettes
October 29, 2024