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JTC Journal

The Official Newspaper of the Joliet Central Steelmen

JTC Journal

JTC Journal

Laylah Moore, Features Editor

It still surprised me that I got chosen to be an editor for such an inspiring class. Between last year and this year, I can see that there has been so much growth and prosperity within myself. If you had told me many years ago that I would be a journalist-in-training, I would have looked at you crazy.  I am very proud of myself for achieving things that I never thought I would. I want to thank Mr. Martz for giving me this opportunity to be an editor for the journalism class. I still have more growing to do, and so many more opportunities to come. But I am very excited to see where this takes me. My experience with going to press for the first time was very new. I had to learn how to edit my article as well as 10-15 other articles. Also, I had to learn how to make many decisions about what articles I needed to publish at which times. 

All content by Laylah Moore